The fictional story of a young horn player and her tempestuous existence composed by Martin Green, co-created and directed by Wils Wilson, and starring Tam Dean Burn and Anna Russell Martin
Click here to get tickets to see Keli at The Lyceum
See the production of Keli as part of Martin Green's year of brass, live at the Sound Stage of The Lyceum in Edinburgh
Photograph: Sandy Butler
On 3 April, Martin Green and Whitburn Brass Band will be presenting a first live preview of the new audio drama Keli live at The Lyceum (released on The Lyceum's Sound Stage on 26 April). It will also feature the premiere of Split the Air, a new piece of music written for the PRS New Music Biennial by Martin Green and orchestrated by Benjamin Woodgates and performed by the incredible Whitburn Brass Band.
The evening will provide a combination of compelling storytelling and powerful music provided by 20-times-winning Scottish champions Whitburn Brass Band making it an event like no other: a true celebration of what can be created when drama and music combine to tell stories inspired by real people from towns across Scotland's central belt.
Click here for live tickets! Click here to watch online!
Martin Green has spent the last year immersing himself in brass banding, surrounded by the communities, the competition and the legacy of coal. Inspired by the resilient, creative individuals he has met, he’s produced a three-part BBC documentary, Love Spit and Valve Oil, a new piece of music Split The Air and an audio drama, Keli, commissioned by The Lyceum and created by Martin Green, with Lyceum associate artist Wils Wilson. Performance directed by Laura Carreira.
Supported and funded by Creative Scotland, The Space, Marchus Trust and performance commissioned by The Lyceum.
How lockdown inspired Martin to create some of his most experimental, and unique work to date.
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"Make the thing we know we can make"​
Producer Martin Atkinson talks through the challenges of making new work during a lockdown.